Monday, August 08, 2005

New language for evolution

From Cathy Young's op-ed in today's Boston Globe:
In some ways, evolutionary theory is more compatible with conservative ideas than with leftist ones. Indeed, proponents of applying evolutionary theory to human social structures tend to be viewed by the left with suspicion, particularly on biological explanations for sex roles. As several commentators have pointed out, it's conservatives who reject the notion that complex organization requires deliberate central planning -- in economics. Why should biology be different?
This last point is a vulnerability in the Bushie worldview just begging to be exploited. If conservatives (read: Karl Rove) can use language to change the popular "estate tax" to the unpopular "death tax", why can't we talk about evolution with more potent words? We should start talking about the "market-driven biological freedom" theory versus the "centrally planned biological welfare" theory.


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