Friday, July 15, 2005

Rove is too damn clever

He is a political strategist, after all. Finding a hole to crawl into is just second nature.
Rove testified last year that he remembers specifically being told by columnist Robert Novak that Valerie Plame, the wife of a harsh
Iraq war critic, worked for the CIA.

Rove testified that Novak originally called him the Tuesday before Plame's identity was revealed in July 2003 to discuss another story. (Associated Press)
"I didn't tell the reporter, the reporter told me!" It's like when some young defendant on Law & Order outsmarts the prosecutors by having someone else testify they committed the crime, or by pulling an identical twin out of a hat to refute the DNA evidence. In fact, you might see this story work its way into a Law & Order script provided they can ratchet up the stakes with a dead body.


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