Monday, November 22, 2004

A dad's duty

Sometimes we dads just have to tell it like it is. Pops Bucket related a story that reminded me of a run-in I had with poo a couple of months ago.

I took the 3 kids out to dinner to give the Mrs. a break. We went to Applebee's. My youngest, 3, was just getting the hang of potty training but I had her in a diaper to take no chances. Or so I thought.

After we ordered, she said, "Daddy, I pooed." "You mean you have to go poo?" I replied, hopefully. "No, I already pooed!" And I could smell it. Having forgotten the diaper bag in the van, I decided to take her out to the van to change her, leaving the older 2 in the company of complete strangers. I could see them through the restaurant window, but still I wanted to rush back so they wouldn't get arrested or something.

So I get to the van, pull down the diaper, and no poo. False alarm! Must have been a fart. I rush back into the restaurant, explaining to her the difference between a fart and a real poo. "But I did poo!" she protested. "It fell out!"

Oh jeeez.

Back at the table, the older two playing hockey with the salt and pepper shakers, I smell a smell. A bad smell. Coming right from under the table. People all around us are trying to eat their dinners, but I know they smell it too. As discreetly as possible, I collect the ball of poo in a napkin and make a beeline for the men's room.


At 4:02 PM, Blogger Pops said...

I came here to commisserate and maybe offer some moral support, but I'm sorry. That's just gross.

At 4:20 PM, Blogger Bill said...

I'm so ashamed. I've managed to gross out someone whou could've been a comrade-in-poo. Some things are best taken to the grave, and this story would have been a good candidate. My wife, however, thought it was hilarious.

At 4:39 PM, Blogger Crystal said...


you made my day.


At 2:44 PM, Blogger SJ said...

I loved this post and completely understand. Once during a diaper change, my husband called and all I could say was "A ball of shit has just rolled into my hand.....A ball of shit has just rolled into my hand..." He did nothing but laugh and ask how it got into a ball shape. There is no telling.


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