Thursday, February 03, 2005

Traffic woes

I use Sitemeter to keep track of how many people are visiting Omni-matic and where they clicked from. I tend to get Blogspot surfers right after I publish something, and I get some visits after I post something to a blog or message board, and I get people when I surf BlogExplosion. I also get stragglers from a reciprocal link at Pops' Bucket (who probably then hit the back button faster than you can put Pops' apostrophe in the right place). I even occasionally get hits from a search engine. But then they go away, and as far as I can tell they don't come back.

Has Omni-matic become irrelevant to the masses? (As if it were at one time.) Is my writing too middle of the road? Do I cover too much crap that people read about everywhere else?

Until now Omni-matic has lacked the dark emotional turmoil that makes some blogs engaging. I also never, ever post erotic pictures or verses from the Bible, either of which would lift my numbers.

Let's see if I can loosen up a little and give my readers more turmoil at the very least, since I don't think the erotica/Bible options are going to work for me. I'm feeling down about my blog! Aaaargh! @#^@#%!!! How's that?

I'm also going to look at a redesign of the template. The Blogger presets are OK, but I need to do better than OK.


At 9:22 AM, Blogger SJ said...

Hey, Bill. I've just seen your link to me. (Thanks!) I'll try to stop by more often.


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