The media manipulation was so savvy, I'd almost call it "Rove-esque".
Anyone looking for a conspiracy theory to play with?
Latin, from omnis, all. Greek -matos, willing. In other words, anything goes. Omni-matic is about politics, family, sports, advertising, right-wing conspiracies, music, and other interests as they break into my consciousness.
The media manipulation was so savvy, I'd almost call it "Rove-esque".
No, not the election in Iraq. Our election.
Reflecting on the campaign, Mr. Kerry said the release of the videotape by Mr. bin Laden on the weekend before the Nov. 2 election had reinforced what had been Mr. Bush's biggest advantage.I wrote at the time that the tape's aim was to help Bush, not hurt him as it appeared on the surface.
"I believe that 9/11 was the central deciding issue in this race," he said. "And the tape - we were rising in the polls up until the last day when the tape appeared. We flat-lined the day the tape appeared and went down on Monday."
SBC buying AT&T sounds like some kind of cheap horror flick. It's the sequel, actually, where the pieces of the beast that was slain in episode 1 recombine to wreak havoc on the world again.
Feeling bleh about writing. Nine rejections and counting for my book proposal; my agent thinks I should get an expert co-author, but of course I'm resisting because it would change the whole point of the book, which is very personal and against the grain.
Every day on my drive home from work I pass a funeral home and chuckle. It's clearly the place for me when my time comes, based entirely on the name: Beers & Story. That's just how I want it! Everyone with a beer in hand, recounting my most embarrassing moments in my time on Earth. Of course we'll need music too. Not a recorded organ--I'm thinking more along the lines of The Fabulous Maurice (our local accordionist and County Fair headliner, truly fabulous!)
The inauguration is living proof of everything that is wrong with Washington. I don't just mean the crazy-extravagant, pimping, jangling parties going on around the city. That's always been happening at least as long as I've been around. The disturbing thing to me is how far the government is from the people it represents.
Yahoo! News - U.S. Ends Fruitless Iraq Weapons Hunt:
The Iraq Survey Group, made up of some 1,200 military and intelligence specialists and support staff, spent nearly two years searching military installations, factories and laboratories whose equipment and products might be converted quickly to making weapons.
I love that manifestos are back in vogue. For a while there it after the bubble burst it seemed like no one wanted to write brassy, egocentric and brilliant (or moronic) treatises on something they care about more than ayone else does.