Thursday, September 30, 2004

Pre-debate hijinks by the other side (who else?)

At about 8:00 tonight my neighbor from across the street, Liz, who's about 7 months pregnant, knocked on our front door. I had just finished putting the kids to bed and rushed down to open the door.

"You won't believe what just happened," she said. "I saw the whole thing. Someone pulled up in front of your house in a red car, got out, took the [Kerry-Edwards] sign from your front yard, and drove off."

The balls! I stepped out onto the porch and sure enough, the sign was gone! Those damn Bushies! If only I'd been sitting on the porch with a shotgun, I could've exercised my second amendment right to defend my property with force of arms. As it was, I'm out 5 bucks or whatever I paid the Kerry campaign for it. Damn hooligans. I'm gonna smoke 'em out.

At least they didn't slash my tires, which happened to someone on the other side.


At 10:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Now see, that is very cool. Even though politically we differ, you linked to my blog. And in a post! I am sure that, given a bottle of wine or two, with the kids tucked in, we could have a very interesting and informattive discussion. I was once a registered Independent. In any case, thugs are thugs, dem or repub and they should be shot. Twice!


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