Saturday, November 12, 2005

The new Inquisition!

Italian newspapers are reporting that the Vatican has a new policy against homosexuality designed to reestablish purity in the priesthood. The flaws disqualifying potential priests include not only behavior deemed impure, but also "deep tendencies" and even support of gay rights (or "so-called gay culture" as they put it).

The best part is the Inquisition. They're actually starting to round up the offenders. From the Boston Globe report:
In September, the Vatican launched a review of 229 American seminaries, theology schools, and other institutions that train priests, aimed in part at looking for evidence of homosexuality.
This is reminiscent of an earlier quest to expunge impurities:
Ferdinand and Isabella appointed Tomás de Torquemada in 1481 to investigate and punish conversos — Jews and Moors (Muslims) who claimed to have "converted" to Catholicism but continued to practice their "former" religion in secret. Some disguised Jews had even been ordained as priests and even bishops....The Inquisition against the Conversos culminated in the expulsion of all of the Jews from Spain in 1492. (from Wikipedia)
So there were Catholics, even priests, who had deep Jewish tendencies and supported the so-called Jewish culture. The Inquisition sure took care of that problem, didn't it? (*sarcasm alert*)

Oy vey.


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