Saturday, August 28, 2004

An odd salad

I'm not going to post my dinner experience daily, but how could I keep quiet about the "oriental chicken salad" at Friendly's? In addition to teriyaki-dipped chicken, you get a mountain of iceberg lettuce sprinkled with red, white and blue nachos and a little dish of honey-mustard salad dressing, thankfully served on the side. (They call it sweet & sour, but trust me--it's honey mustard.)

Mmmm. We may not have a lot of places to eat in Greenfield, but we've got two--count 'em, two--Friendly's so you can't go wrong.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Beer in Aluminum Bottles?

First we had draft beer in a bottle. Then we had bottled beer in a can (remember that one? Keystone, I think.) And that can of Coke you're drinking from has a picture of the old Coke bottle on it to bring back the emotional wholesome goodness of drinking from a bottle even though you're actually drinking from a can.

Now, in an amazing and long overdue development, we finally have beer in aluminum bottles. If we could just get canned beer in a glass keg we'll have all the bases covered.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

You have 0 friends.

Such a cheerful welcome! Friendster - Home: "You have 0 friends."

Friday, August 20, 2004

Why do guys like John Adams?

If you browse's profiles it seems a lot of people are women, at least half anyway. But people like me whose liked the John Adams biography are mostly guys. I tried to get my wife to read it, thought she'd dig Abigail, but it put her to sleep faster than a glass of Gallo.

For the record, I had no help naming this blog

In product names there are big winners and even bigger losers. And some names work just fine even thought they're lame.

See Knowledge@Wharton (registration required)

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

ISP's allowed to read your email

CIO is just full of scary stuff today. The courts are giving ISP's the right to read your email. Isn't that a bit like letting the phone company wiretap your line? Or letting the post office steam open your letters?

Courts Give E-Mail Snooping the OK

TIA now a "black op"

It was no secret when they pulled the plug on this thing that it wasn;t really going away. Still, it's scary to hear Poindexter--yes, that Poindexter--talking about it in the present tense.

Poindexter speaks of TIA in the present tense because some of its projects (according to him and other sources) are indeed continuing. He claims the work has been moved to classified—or "black"—parts of the defense budget, where it's free from public scrutiny.

Check out Poindexter Comes in from the Cold - CIO Magazine for the full story.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Social networks

I've started using social networks like LinkedIn. I hardly know anyone yet I still found people I know.